Worried about Your FICO Score? 4 Easy Strategies to Fix It Up

If you’re worried about your bad credit, you’ll want to do everything in your power to improve your rating as quickly as possible – especially if you have a major purchase coming up. Improving your credit rating can give you access to better interest rates on mortgages or even help you get that job you’re after.

IMPORTANT! If you are currently involved in a home loan transaction, speak with your trusted mortgage lender before taking any action regarding your credit!

So how can you boost your FICO score quickly and easily? Here’s what you need to know.

Get Your Credit Report And Dispute Any Errors
Credit reporting agencies don’t always keep 100% perfect records, and there’s a good chance that your credit report contains at least one error. One recent FTC study found that 25% of consumers have an error on their credit report and that in 5% of cases, the errors were actually severe enough to impact the loan terms that borrowers were able to negotiate.

You can get your annual credit report from all three credit reporting agencies for free. Carefully read over it. If you see any errors – if your name is misspelled, if they have the wrong address on file, or if there are late or unpaid charges that you didn’t make – you can dispute the items in question.

Still Overdue? Negotiate Payment Terms With Your Creditors
If you’re overdue on a payment, it will weigh heavily on your credit score. As your payment history makes up a full 35% of your FICO score, this is one area where you’ll want to invest a great deal of time and effort.

Contact any creditors you owe money to and ask if you can negotiate your bill. The ideal outcome for you is to have the creditor report your debt as paid in full, so see if you can secure that promise in writing in exchange for an accelerated payment schedule.

Try Maintaining A Lower Utilization Ratio
Your utilization ratio refers to the amount of credit you use at any given time. If this number goes beyond 30 percent, you’ll start to see your credit score drop. Ideally, you should aim for a utilization ratio below 10 percent – this will prove to your lender that you can responsibly pay for the credit you use.

Have Recurring Bills? Automate Your Payments
Automating your monthly payments can be a great way to boost your credit score. Whether it’s your mortgage, your credit card, or your student loan, a pre-authorized monthly payment will ensure that everything gets paid on time and give you a great credit history.

Your FICO score is a number that will determine your eligibility for mortgages and other loans. These are general tips to help with your credit score and improve the overall reporting of your credit.

Call your local mortgage professional to learn about what kind of a mortgage your credit score can afford you.

Buying or Selling a Home This Winter? Keep These Tax Tips in Mind!

Buying or Selling a Home This Winter? Keep These Tax Tips in Mind!With all of the expense that can go into buying and selling a home, it’s good to be aware of what you can claim and how a home can benefit you come tax time. When the New Year rolls around and you’re sitting down to the task of completing your taxes, here are a few things that you’ll want to keep in mind.

Gaining from Capital Gains

In the event that you’ve made money off the sale of your home through a capital gain, it’s possible that you may be able to exclude this amount from your tax filing. If you’ve lived in the home you just sold for at least two of the five years before the sale date, not having to report this amount on your taxes may come as a financial win.

Reporting Your Gain

If you have not lived in your home for two of the five years, you will have to report the sale of your home and the capital gain when you file your taxes. This is necessary whether or not you decide to claim the amount. If this happens to be the case for you, it’s a good idea to educate yourself on ‘Net Investment Income Tax’ before filing your return so you can ensure your claim’s accuracy.

A Two-Year Claim For Capital Gain

While there is definitely a great financial benefit in not having to report your gain in all situations, it’s important to be aware that you can only exclude any gain you’ve received from a home sale every 2 years. So, if it happens to be the case that you’ve moved more than once in the last few years, you will have to report any amount that you’ve made from these home sales.

Selling Your Home At A Loss

The boon of a capital gain is certainly ideal if you’ve made some money on your home, but if you’ve sold your home for less than you paid, you won’t be able to claim this. While the end result may be a bit disheartening, this amount cannot be deducted off of your tax return.

Beyond the benefits of buying or selling your home, there are ways that your tax filing can be more pleasant next year if you know some of these tips. If you think you may be perusing the real estate market in the near future, you may want to contact your trusted real estate professional for more information.

What to Look For During Your Home Inspection

What To Look For During Your Home InspectionBuying a new home is an exciting and significant milestone in anyone’s life. However, it’s essential to approach the homebuying process with caution and thoroughness to ensure that you’re making a sound investment. One crucial step in the homebuying journey is the home inspection. A home inspection is a comprehensive evaluation of a property’s condition, aiming to uncover any potential issues or concerns that could affect its value or safety. Below are some tips to remember when navigating a home inspection.

Roof and Exterior:

The roof is your home’s first line of defense against the elements, so it’s crucial to examine it closely. Look for missing or damaged shingles, signs of leakage, and the overall condition of the roof.

Structural Integrity:

A solid foundation and sound structure are vital for the long-term stability and safety of your home. Inspect the foundation for cracks, unevenness, or signs of settling. Look out for any sagging or uneven floors, as they could indicate structural issues.

Plumbing and Electrical Systems:

Faulty plumbing or electrical systems can lead to significant problems and costly repairs. Test the faucets, showers, and toilets to ensure proper water flow and drainage. Check for leaks under sinks and around toilets. In terms of electrical systems, inspect the circuit breaker panel and look for any exposed wiring, outdated systems, or potential fire hazards.

HVAC Systems:

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are critical for maintaining a comfortable living environment. Have the HVAC systems thoroughly inspected to determine their condition and efficiency.

Insulation and Energy Efficiency:

Good insulation and energy-efficient features can greatly impact your home’s comfort and utility costs. Check the insulation in the attic, walls, and crawl spaces to ensure they meet the recommended standards. Inquire about the home’s energy efficiency features, such as double-pane windows, energy-efficient appliances, or renewable energy installations.

Pest and Mold Inspection:

Pests and mold can pose health risks and cause extensive damage to a home. Look for signs of pests such as droppings, chewed wood, or insect nests. Ask the inspector about any past or present pest infestations and the steps taken to address them.

A home inspection is a crucial step in the homebuying process that helps you make an informed decision about your investment. By paying close attention to the areas mentioned above, you can identify potential issues and negotiate repairs or adjustments with the seller. A thorough home inspection can provide peace of mind and ensure that you’re buying a home that meets your expectations in terms of safety, functionality, and value.