3 Completely False Myths About Reverse Mortgages That Need to Be Debunked

3 Completely False Myths About Reverse Mortgages That Need to Be DebunkedAre you a senior or retired individual older than 62 who is looking to supplement their retirement income? If so, you may have heard about a unique financial product known as a reverse mortgage. In today’s blog post we will explore three myths about reverse mortgages and share why they need to be debunked. Let’s get started.

Myth #1: Reverse Mortgages Are Expensive

The first myth we will debunk is that reverse mortgages are costly financial products that are full of fees. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. It’s true that there are closing costs attached to a reverse mortgage, just like with a traditional mortgage. These costs will vary depending on a wide range of factors, including the terms of the reverse mortgage, your financial history, your home’s location, size, assessed value and more.

If you are interested in a reverse mortgage, don’t let the potential fees or closing costs scare you off.

Myth #2: Children Inherit The Reverse Mortgage Payments

Many people believe that they are saddling their children with a mortgage payment when they take out a reverse mortgage, but this isn’t true. After you (and your spouse, if you have one) move on, whoever is overseeing your estate will have the option to sell your home and use the proceeds to pay off the balance of the reverse mortgage. Alternatively, they may decide to use cash to pay off the balance and keep the home. But your children aren’t going to inherit a monthly repayment.

Keep in mind that having a plan for your estate and a proper will is important, regardless of whether or not you have a reverse mortgage. Be sure to contact an attorney who is skilled in estate law for more information.

Myth #3: The Bank Ends Up Owning Your House

Finally, some believe that the bank will end up owning your home if you take out a reverse mortgage. This isn’t true either. With a reverse mortgage, you are borrowing money against the equity or value that you have built up in your home. You will continue to own the house, but the lender may place a lien against it to secure the mortgage loan.

These are just a few of the many myths about reverse mortgages that you might hear about or read online. When you are ready to learn more about this type of mortgage, get in touch. Our team of mortgage professionals is here and ready to assist you.

3 Ways That a Reverse Mortgage Can Transform Your Retirement

3 Ways That a Reverse Mortgage Can Transform Your RetirementAre you a retired individual looking for ways to increase your financial security? If so, you may have heard of a home equity conversion mortgage, more commonly known as a reverse mortgage. Used correctly, this is one of the most effective financial products for retirees who own their home.

Let’s explore three ways that a reverse mortgage can help to transform a dull retirement into one filled with excitement.

It’s All About Flexibility

The primary benefit that one receives with a reverse mortgage is financial flexibility. It is an excellent way to tap into the equity that has built up in your home over time without having to sell the house and move out. Moreover, unlike a traditional home loan, the payment terms are far more flexible. In many cases, payments are not required until you are ready to leave the home permanently.

An Extra Source Of Income

Is your lifestyle starting to suffer because you do not have a regular salary coming in for you and your partner? Regardless of how much you have saved in 401-k and other retirement accounts, losing that regular monthly income can be depressing.

The good news: a reverse mortgage can help to change that. The funds you receive can be used however you want. You can invest in renovations for your home, take a nice vacation, invest in the stock market or simply leave it in your bank account. It is a helpful ‘bridge’ income source that will ensure that you have no trouble taking care of life’s many expenses.

A Contingency Fund, Just ‘In Case’

Finally, a reverse mortgage can be an excellent contingency fund. If you take this out as a line of credit, the money will be available if and when they are needed. Many retired individuals lack a financial ‘safety net’ and end up suffering due to unexpected health or other costs. With a reverse mortgage, you can sleep soundly knowing that emergency cash is there if needed.

As you can see, taking advantage of a reverse mortgage can be the catalyst that helps take your retirement to the next level. To learn more about these unique financial products, contact our professional mortgage team today. We are happy to share how a reverse mortgage can benefit you and your family.

62 or Older? 3 Reasons Why a Reverse Mortgage Might Be the Perfect Financial Solution for You

62 or Older? 3 Reasons Why a Reverse Mortgage Might Be the Perfect Financial Solution for YouAre you and your spouse starting to move into your retirement years? If so, you already know that you are going to need a solid financial plan for when your primary sources of income are no longer bringing money in. If you have invested in your retirement, you might be all set. However, what if your house makes up the majority of your net worth?

Let’s take a quick look at three reasons why a reverse mortgage might be a great way to unlock the equity you’ve built up in your home.

Reason #1: This Is Your Last Home

To qualify for a reverse mortgage, you have to own your home or be very close to paying off any outstanding mortgage debt. A reverse mortgage is money borrowed against the equity in your home, which is considered collateral. So, if staying in this house is your long-term plan, then a reverse mortgage should be a good fit.

Note that it is not impossible to buy a new home or move when you have a reverse mortgage. You simply have to pay the outstanding balance as with any other loan or mortgage product.

Reason #2: You Don’t Plan On Leaving Your House To Anyone

It is important to note that when you or your spouse dies, your reverse mortgage becomes due. In most circumstances, the house is either sold or transferred to cover the outstanding amount of the mortgage. This means that anyone inheriting the house is going to inherit the reverse mortgage as well, leaving them responsible for the outstanding balance.

If you do not have any children, or if they are already financially stable and not in need of an inheritance, you may not have to leave your house to anyone. This makes a reverse mortgage a good source of extra cash.

Reason #3: You Can Afford Taxes And Upkeep

Finally, don’t forget that with a reverse mortgage, you are still responsible for taxes, insurance and maintenance costs. Falling behind on these items can cause your reverse mortgage to become repayable immediately. If you can afford these costs without having to stretch, then you’re in good shape.

If you are looking to make more of your home equity as a financial asset and both you and your spouse are 62 or older, reverse mortgages are an excellent idea. To learn more about these financial products and your options, contact us today. Our professional team of mortgage advisors is happy to show you why a reverse mortgage is a good fit.