Why You Need to Be Truthful on Your Mortgage Application

There are few things better than finding your dream home and being able to afford it, but simply because you’ve found the perfect place doesn’t mean you should stretch the truth. It might seem tempting to polish your mortgage application a little in the hopes of making a better impression, but here are a few reasons why you should stick to the truth when signing off on your home.

Your Credit History Tells All

It can be tempting to bump up your salary or make some hefty deposits into your savings account. However, lenders will be taking a look at your financial history by way of your bank statements, credit report, and paystubs so they’re likely to discover any erroneous details. If you’re not honest about your financial situation, the lender may suspect that you’re not a reliable buyer. Not only that, making false statements about your finances may give you more home than you can really afford, which can cause setbacks down the road.

Mortgage Fraud Is Still Fraud

A little white lie on your mortgage application might not seem like such a big deal, but because you are painting a picture of yourself that is not true, this can actually be considered mortgage fraud. While there are mistakes that can be made on any mortgage application given all the details required, it’s very important not to mislead the lender or home seller on purpose. It may not be common, but mortgage fraud can be punished with hefty fines or even prison time.

A Bad Way To Begin

There’s nothing like the feeling of moving into your newly purchased home and feeling enthusiasm for all the things it entails, but being dishonest about your financial situation can sully that. A lie may just be a small detail, but mortgage lenders look at a variety of factors to ensure you’re a good fit for a loan that will stay manageable month after month. While a minor mistruth may seem insignificant, it disables lenders from being able to assess if your financial situation is right for the home you want to purchase.

It may be enticing to fudge a few details on your mortgage application, but there can be serious implications involved in not being honest about the information on your application. If you’re currently in the market for a home, contact one of our mortgage professionals for more information.

4 Ways to Help Your Mortgage Transaction Close On Time

When you’ve finally found the home you’re looking for at the right price, it’s easy to think that the hard part is over; however, there’s still a lot to do in order to ensure your purchase goes through without a hitch. If you’re tying up the loose ends on your home purchase, here are some things you should do to avoid any unnecessary delays.

Hire A Legal Professional

However much research you may have done in regards to buying a home, there’s still a lot of legal jargon in the closing documents that can be difficult for most people to understand. Instead of doing guesswork, you may want to use an attorney who will take the difficulty out of the documents for you so there will be no holdups with the paperwork.

Arrange A Home Inspection

A home inspection is a necessary step before the sale of a home, but this is an important one to get out of the way because it can seriously impact your home purchase. Because major problems can often be discovered during inspection, getting this out of the way and deciding if an item should be fixed or the total price knocked down will ensure there are no delays at the last minute.

Acquire Title Insurance

In order to make sure your property really belongs to you, it’s a good idea to have a title search completed to see if there are any claims to your future property that could invalidate your purchase. As this is a legal safeguard for your claim to your home, it will help you avoid unnecessary issues in the event of an unknown property claim.

Determine The Closing Costs

An escrow company is responsible for holding the funds until all aspects of a home sale are complete, but there are fees that go along with this service. Before you get to the end of the process, determine what exactly the company will be charging so that you can be prepared for the final total. While fees are legitimate, if you see a higher tally than expected, you may want to negotiate for a reduced cost.

Purchasing a home is a significant investment full of hurdles you might not be aware of, but by acquiring title insurance and having a legal professional look through your documents, you can make your home purchase go a little smoother. 

Pre-approval vs. Pre-qualification

Pre-approval and pre-qualification are terms commonly used in the context of mortgage loans, but they can also apply to other types of loans. While they sound similar, they have different meanings and implications in the loan application process:

  1. Pre-qualification:

    • Definition: Pre-qualification is a preliminary assessment of a borrower’s financial situation based on information provided by the borrower. It does not involve a thorough analysis of the borrower’s credit report or an in-depth look at their ability to borrow.
    • Process: To get pre-qualified, a borrower typically provides information such as income, debt, and assets to a lender or uses an online tool. The lender uses this information to give the borrower an estimate of the mortgage amount they may qualify for.
    • Reliability: Pre-qualification is a less formal process and is not a commitment from the lender. It’s more of an estimate or a starting point for a home search.
  2. Pre-approval:

    • Definition: Pre-approval is a more formal process where a lender thoroughly evaluates a borrower’s financial background, including a detailed examination of their credit report. The lender issues a conditional commitment to lend a specific amount, contingent on the property appraisal and other conditions.
    • Process: To get pre-approved, a borrower typically completes a mortgage application and provides necessary documentation, such as pay stubs, W-2 forms, bank statements, and consent for a credit check.
    • Reliability: Pre-approval is a stronger indication of a borrower’s ability to secure a loan. It demonstrates to sellers that the borrower is a serious and qualified buyer.

In summary, pre-qualification is a preliminary assessment based on information provided by the borrower, while pre-approval involves a more comprehensive analysis, including a credit check. Pre-approval is generally more reliable and holds more weight in a real estate transaction. Keep in mind that the specific processes and requirements can vary among lenders.