Mortgage Myths: Here’s Why You Don’t Need a Full 20 Percent Down Payment

Mortgage Myths: Here's Why You Don't Need a Full 20 Percent Down Payment If you’re just getting into the real estate market, you may have heard that 20% down is the ideal percentage in order to lower your monthly payments and get your mortgage application approved. However, while 20% is often suggested, many people struggle to come up with this amount of money. If you’re staving off home ownership, here are some reasons you may not need to hold off as you long as you thought.

Minimizing Your Insurance Costs

Putting down 20% of the total purchase price of your home is often suggested, but it doesn’t definitively mean that your application won’t be approved if you don’t. If you have a good credit score and are in good financial standing, putting less than 20% down means you’ll have to pay Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI); however, it can be worth paying the extra funds in order to get into the real estate market sooner and start paying into your most significant investment.

Mortgage Programs For Less Than 20%

It may seem less possible to buy a home if you only have 5 or 7% of the purchase price, but there are many programs in the United States that enable those with limited funds to apply for a mortgage. From the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, there are many lenders that can offer you mortgage programs that will work for your situation. While higher rates come in tandem with a lower down payment, there are options out there for those who haven’t saved quite enough.

Why Put Down 20%?

Putting down 20% is not a necessity for mortgage approval or purchasing a home, but it can be a great means of saving money in the long run and reducing your interest rates. If you’re raring to get into the real estate market and don’t want to wait for the bills to stack up, that’s OK, but if you want to hold off and save up additional funds before diving in, this can mean more money and a more solid investment in the future.

20% is often the magic number when it comes to a down payment on a home, but you don’t require this percentage of your home’s price in order to get approved for a mortgage. If you’re currently considering diving into home ownership and would like to know more about the opportunities in your area, contact your local mortgage professional for more information.

The Pros and Cons of Borrowing the Down Payment for Your Next Home

The Pros and Cons of Borrowing the Down Payment for Your Next HomeWith the rising cost of real estate, many people feel that now is a good time to buy a home to ensure a good financial future. However, if you haven’t saved up enough money to make a down payment, it’s possible you may be considering whether or not you should borrow the funds. If you’re considering a loan from friends or family, here are some points you may want to think about before asking for a loan.

Getting Out Of The Rental Market

With even the rental market seeing huge increases in its rental rates, buying a home can be an even more beneficial purchase then ever. While your rental check is gone once you’ve paid it each month, payments on your mortgage will become a part of the wealth you’re building and the equity in your home. It’s just important to consider the property taxes and maintenance that go along with purchasing a home beforehand, as these added costs might end up making for a poor investment if they’re too costly.

Saving Money On Insurance

You may have heard many different things about the percentage your down payment should be, but because you will have to pay mortgage default insurance if you put less than 20% down, it can be an added boon to borrow the additional funds needed. While borrowing the money can be great in terms of lowering your monthly payment and making your home less costly in the end, it can also cause financial strain for you since you’ll have to pay back the funds over time.

Testing Your Relationships

It goes without saying that money can often times get between people, and when it comes to borrowing a significant sum of money from family or friends, this can improve your relationship or even cause a rift. While you may be willing to take this risk if you have no concerns about paying those who have lent you money back, if something arises and you’re unable to give back the funds, this can create issues that may be more problematic than renting a little longer.

Many people consider borrowing the money for their down payment in order to come up with the 20%, but it’s important to consider what borrowing this money can mean for your financial future and your personal relationships. If you’re currently looking into a new home, you may want to contact one of our mortgage professionals for more information.

3 Mortgage Mistakes That Could Be Costing You Money

3 Mortgage Mistakes That Could Be Costing You MoneyPurchasing a home can be one of the most exciting and stabilizing investments of your life, but because of the expense, there are many ways you may be spending more money than you should. If you’re wondering about the financial soundness of your home investment, here are some things to consider before putting anything down.

Investing In Too Much Home

Many homebuyers are so gung-ho about having their own home that they forget a mortgage takes many years to pay off and there’s a lot of living to do in the interim. While you may be looking at the monthly cost of your mortgage as something to get through, it’s more important to find a home that will provide you with a more flexible lifestyle. Instead of spending half your income on your home, it’s better to choose a more affordable option that won’t lead to buyer’s remorse.

Putting Less Than 20% Down

One of the greatest struggles for those who want to make the leap into home ownership is the down payment, and many buyers will put down a lot less than 20%. While this might seem like a better deal in the short term, putting 5 or 10% down means you’ll have to pay for mortgage insurance in case you default on your payments. It can be hard to come up with 20% for many buyers, but putting this amount down means you don’t have to pay for added insurance.

Not Asking The Right Questions

A house is likely your most valuable asset, so it’s a good idea to know as much as possible about your mortgage before you rush toward closing day. Starting with asking which mortgage option is best for you. Your mortgage lender will be able to answer this question once you’ve completed an application and the lender takes stock of your employment, income, assets, credit, debt, expenses, down payment and other information about your finances. Research the major questions you should ask your mortgage lender before signing up for a loan.

It can be overwhelming to buy a home with all of the information and energy that goes into finding the right place and the right price. However, by being realistic about what you can afford and searching for the best loan for you, you’re well on your way to a sound purchase. If you’re currently on the market for a mortgage, contact your trusted mortgage specialists for more information.