Budgeting 101: How to Plan Your Budget Around Your Monthly Mortgage Payments

Budgeting 101: How to Plan Your Budget Around Your Monthly Mortgage PaymentsIf you’ve decided to invest in a home, you might be wondering how to make all of the expenses work. From the groceries to your mode of transportation, all of those little things can quickly add up. Fortunately, it’s easy enough to ensure you have the money each month by carefully calculating your expenses and ensuring there’s a little wiggle room in case of leaner times. Here are the details on how to begin with your mortgage budgeting plan.

Calculate Your Monthly Payment

Whether you’ve just purchased a home or are trying to determine if your dream home is right for you, it’s very important to establish approximately what your monthly payment will be. It’s critical to have a mortgage cost that is sustainable, so add up your mortgage payment, home insurance, property taxes and any other required payments. While this should give you a ballpark figure, you’ll want to ensure you add a bit of extra room in case your taxes or interest rate should rise.

Determine Your Necessary Expenses

It’s easy to be idealistic and assume that you’ll be able to come up with the money for your dream home, but it’s very important to keep your feet on the ground and be realistic about your budget. Once you’ve determined your payment, calculate the average amount for your utilities, transportation costs and any debt you have. You’ll also want to add in groceries, toiletries, and extras like gym passes, meals or entertainment. By adding up your monthly payment and your expenses, you should be able to determine if a house is realistic for you.

Leave A Little Extra

If your expenses and your home costs add up to balance out, that’s great, but don’t forget to leave a little extra room in your budget for the other things you’ll need. While you’ll want to ensure you’re saving money for the future, if you have any short-term life goals like a travel destination or going back to school you’ll need to save for those. Also, the unexpected can occur at any time so you’ll want to have some cash stashed away for the times when the car breaks down or there’s a medical issue.

When investing in a home, you’ll need to feel confident that you can make your monthly mortgage payment and still have enough left over to pay your expenses and savings for down the road. If you’re currently preparing to buy, contact your trusted mortgage professionals for more information.

Pay down Your Mortgage Faster by Eliminating These Five Unnecessary Household Expenses

Pay down Your Mortgage Faster by Eliminating These Five Unnecessary Household ExpensesThe monthly mortgage payment can be one of the most significant household expenditures for a family. However, while it can be a sizable amount, there are certain household things you may be able to eliminate that will help you put down more money and pay your mortgage off a little faster. If you’re interested in ways to save, here are some expenses you may want to consider cutting out.

Giving Up The Cable

Television is an important de-stressor for many people, but it can also be a considerable monthly expense that is often unnecessary. With borrowing materials available at the library and many videos available for streaming online, you can cut your cable cost and may be able to save more than $100 a month.

Coffee On The Go

It may not be a household expense, but the average person can rack up a lot of expenditures each month on caffeine alone. Instead of stopping at the local cafe for a quick fix, consider trying the office coffee or taking a thermos in the morning for savings that will add up by the week’s end.

Dinner On The Town

Going for dinner or getting take-out on the way home can be a great way to finish off a day, but it can also add up to huge monthly expenditures if you’re doing it frequently. While you shouldn’t cut out trying new restaurants altogether, ensure that it’s not something you’re indulging in all the time.

The Grocery Bill

You’ll be able to save a lot of money easily if you’re not buying lunches or dinners, but bargain shopping is still important when it comes to household staples. While this may not make a difference on each bill, it can add up to a considerable dent in your monthly payment overtime.

Saving On Your Smart Phone

Nowadays, most people have a smart phone and have exhausted their need for a landline, but phones can still be quite a money drain when it comes to extra data and an expensive plan. Instead of accepting your bill as is, talk to your provider about deals they can provide so you can save the difference.

The monthly mortgage payment can be a financial burden, but there are many simply ways to save through the year that will add up to big savings and a faster pay-off date. If you’re planning on putting your home on the market, you contact your trusted mortgage professional for more information.

Recent College Grad? Learn How to Successfully Juggle Student Loans and a New Mortgage

Recent College Grad? Learn How to Successfully Juggle Student Loans and a New MortgageIf you recently graduated from college and are about to become a homeowner, you’re in a somewhat unique position. You’re about to embark on a great journey, but at the same time, you’re also taking on an awful lot of debt. That said, it is possible to successfully manage a high debt load if you’re careful.

So how can you make sure you can pay your mortgage, your student loans, and your mortgage expenses – all without losing your mind? Here’s what you need to know.

Make Sure You Have An Emergency Fund

Managing a high debt load isn’t necessarily a challenge if you have a consistent income stream. But if interest rates rise on your floating mortgage, if your portfolio doesn’t do as well as expected, or if you lose your job, you may find yourself unable to pay your expenses without dipping into your savings. That’s why you’ll want to establish an emergency fund – a spare supply of cash you can live on for 6 months or longer, if necessary.

Extra Cash At The End Of The Month? Attack High-Interest Debt

Mortgage rates are at a historical low right now, which makes now a great time to become a homeowner – but if you’re going to carry a mortgage and student loans, you’ll need to be smart about how you repay your debts. High interest rates can quickly add up and eventually crush you, which is why your debt with the highest interest rate should be your primary priority. This is most likely your student loan – so if you have some extra money left over at the end of every month, put it toward your student loan first.

Never Roll Student Loans Into A Mortgage

Some young people seem to think that getting a mortgage is the answer to student debt. By rolling your student loans into a mortgage, you can worry about just one monthly payment instead of two. The problem with this thinking, though, is that your student loan is probably the size of the principal on a mortgage – and you’ll have to stretch your loan term out farther in order to afford the monthly payments.

This means that you’ll pay more money in interest over the long term. Your mortgage loan is also a loan with more severe consequences for missing a payment. If you miss a mortgage payment, you can get evicted from your home – but if you miss a student loan payment, they’ll just take your tax return.

Paying off a student loan and a mortgage at the same time is a daunting task, but it is possible. Talk to a mortgage professional near you for more repayment strategies that work.