4 Websites to Help You Evaluate the Safety of Your Future Neighborhood

4 Websites to Help You Evaluate the Safety of Your Future NeighborhoodWhen you’re just moving into a neighborhood, it can be hard to know exactly what you’re getting into. Certainly, you can see the sights for yourself and read about your new community online, but there are still things that may not be readily available. If you’re looking for the cold, hard facts on the safety of your neighborhood, look no further than the following websites for the things you’ll want to know.

Situation Alerts on SpotCrime

By simply typing your street address in at SpotCrime, you will get an instant report of all the criminal goings-on in your community from arson to assault. While SpotCrime is free and enables you to register so you can be alerted to situations in your community, you also have the ability to anonymously offer up information that will help others.

Crime Rates On Neighborhood Scout

A website that will give you information regarding the crime rate in a certain community, Neighborhood Scout offers much of its information free of charge to users to scope out future communities for their own interest. In addition to the per capita crime rate, you can also get a host of information about other communities around the country with similar crime profiles to your own.

Registered Offenders on Family Watchdog

The tranquility of a neighborhood is something that can be easily taken for granted, but Family Watchdog enables you to be aware of what might be going on under the surface. Committed to determining the location of registered sex offenders, this website will easily inform you if there are any offenders in or near your community so you can evaluate the safety of you and your family accordingly.

Situation Updates on CrimeReports

Along with SpotCrime, CrimeReports is another website that enables you to type in your address to instantly pull up a host of information regarding recent crime that’s occurred in your next neighborhood. Much like SpotCrime, it provides you with an easy to read map of crimes that have occurred and you have the option of signing up for alerts that will inform you of recent situations in your community.

There may be a lot of information about your neighborhood online, but the websites listed above can help you with the details on things that may not be commonly reported.

Understanding Real Estate Contracts and What You Can Expect to Find

Understanding Real Estate Contracts and What You Can Expect to FindThere are a lot of things that go into the successful sale of your home, but many people are unfamiliar with the intricacies of the contract. Whether you consult with your real estate agent or plan on diving in on your own, it’s important to be clear on the terms. If you’re wondering what you can expect when it comes to the contract, here are some pointers on what to watch out for.

Real Estate Jargon

A real estate contract would not be complete without the professional terminology, so you’ll see words like amortization, price-to-income ratio and title that may impact the meaning of your contract. Instead of going it blind, search the Internet for terms or consult with your real estate agent to provide a clear explanation.

Specifics On The Sale

Information regarding the specifics of your property will be present in the contract, and it’s important to check this information before signing on the dotted line. While the address and location of your home are important, it’s also critical to verify the purchase price that has been decided upon, the closing date on the property and any other items that have been negotiated and agreed upon.

Be Aware Of Withdrawal Terms

It can be easy to be taken away by excitement once you’ve received the perfect offer on your home, but it’s important not to lose sight of everything that’s required before the sale has been finalized. One of the most important parts of the contract is the withdrawal terms that are laid out, so be certain you’re aware of what your rights are if you or the homebuyer decides to withdraw from the process.

Watch For Seller’s Responsibilities

If you, as a seller, do not remain committed to the terms of the contract this can be a deal breaker, so ensure that you’ve familiarized yourself with exactly what’s required of you. This may include everything from the maintenance on the property to offer negotiations, so it’s important to comply with these terms.

Dealing with a real estate contract can be confusing for the layman, so it’s worth your while to have a trusted real estate agent around who will be able to explain it. From withdrawal terms to seller responsibilities, there are plenty of things you should be aware of before sealing the deal.

5 Major Red Flags to Watch for When You’re Touring an Open House

5 Major Red Flags to Watch for When You're Touring an Open HouseAn open house is one of the best opportunities a potential homeowner will have to take stock of a home and determine if it will work for them. However, it can also be a good opportunity to discover some glaring red flags that might make it a less worthwhile investment. If you’re currently perusing the open houses in your neighborhood, here’s some things you should make sure to watch out for.

A Selling Hot-Spot

It’s well and good if you love the home you visit, but ‘location, location, location’ is a popular phrase for a reason. If you’ve noticed a lot of homes for sale in the area, this could be a sign of neighborhood issues that are less than pleasing.

An Odd Smell

Baked goods or room spray are quite common when it comes to an open house, but it’s possible that they’re masking a less-than pleasant odor. Since this can point to a hard home fix-up, it’s worth checking out the closets or the basement where a strange smell can indicate mildew or mold.

A Bad Paint Job

Paint that’s peeling may mean that a few fresh coats are long overdue, but it can also indicate moisture issues in the home that have gone untreated. As this kind of repair can cost a pretty penny, it’s worth determining if there are sealing issues with windows or doors.

A Few Obvious Fix-Ups

A sticky door or a damaged wall may not seem so bad on their own, but if you notice a few things that need to be fixed around the home, it can be a sign that there’s more afoot. If a homeowner has cared for the property during their ownership, it will likely show in small details like this.

Incomplete Construction

It may seem like a good sign to see a house that’s undergoing a renovation, but it can actually be a risk to invest in a home that’s not complete. Instead of leaving this to chance, you may want to check with the construction contractor to determine the scope of the work and when it will be finished.

An open house may be a good time to decide if you’re interested in a home, but it can also be the perfect opportunity to search for deficiencies that may end up costing you.