Have You Outgrown Your Current Home? Here Are Five Easy Ways to Tell if It’s Time to Upgrade

Have You Outgrown Your Current Home? Here Are Five Easy Ways to Tell if It's Time to Upgrade Your home is your castle, your own little piece of the American dream. But lately, your little corner of the world has been feeling cramped and you find yourself eyeing those larger homes. Is it time to pull up stakes and move on from your starter home?

Growing Family

If you’ve added to your family in recent years, you may have more bodies than bedrooms. A two-bedroom home may have been a great idea when it was just you and your spouse, but with two kids, you’re starting to have turf wars over the play area.

Overflowing With Stuff

From an overflowing toy chest to closets packed so tightly with shoes and coats you risk an avalanche every time you open the door, your home just doesn’t have the space to keep all your things. You may have even had to move some things off-site, spending money to rent storage space to keep that antique dresser your grandmother left you or the set of state spoons you carefully collected during your college years.

No Rest For The Weary

You’d love to spend an afternoon soaking in the tub, but before the warmth of the water can take you away, there’s a banging on the door of the only bathroom in the house and a chorus of “hurry up” invading your quiet time. And the man cave you dreamed of? Those visions of a big screen television were shattered by the realization you needed somewhere for the kids to sleep.

No Room For Extras

When you first moved in, the two-car garage doubled as your woodworking shop. Now, the equipment has been sent to storage to make room for the family’s second car. You’d love to take up organic gardening, but your tiny yard barely has room for a grill and a lawn chair. You’d love to host your friends visiting from out of state, but there is hardly room for their luggage, much less them.

Changes In Career

You may have opted for a starter home when you first entered the market because you had a smaller income. Now, thanks to changes in careers or promotions at work, you can afford a home with greater square footage and room for your growing family that will provide the space you need for many years of happy memories.

Home prices across the country are starting to rise. Contact your trusted mortgage advisor today to see what you can quilafy for to take advantage of the opportunity to give your family the most space at the best price now.

Buying for the First Time? The Ultimate Guide to Surviving the Mortgage Process

Buying for the First Time? The Ultimate Guide to Surviving the Mortgage ProcessIf you have heard nightmarish stories from friends and family members about the home mortgage application process, you are not alone. In fact, some of these stories may have even been a reason why you have held out on moving forward with your plans to purchase your first-home. While some have indeed had unpleasant experiences, the fact is that there is nothing to be intimidated about. When you follow a few easy tips, you can streamline the process and navigate through it with minimal effort or stress.

Find The Right Mortgage Professional To Work With

One of the best steps that you can take when applying for a mortgage is to choose a friendly, knowledgeable and experienced mortgage professional. Do not be afraid to ask the loan officer how long he or she has been working in the field and with the current company. They want your business, and they should be more than willing to answer your questions. More than that, pay attention to how easy it is to get ahold of them and how quickly they respond to your questions and concerns. If you cannot get a fast response up-front, you likely will not get one when you are in the middle of the loan process.

Ask Questions As Needed

As a first-time mortgage applicant, it is important that you understand as much as possible about your application and your mortgage. If you have any questions about closing costs, payment adjustments, the general loan process, how to verify your earnest money deposit or anything else, you should ask. A friendly mortgage professional will be more than willing to answer all of your questions as needed to ensure that you are a confident and informed borrower. You never should worry about a matter, and you simply have to ask the questions to get the answers you need.

Respond To Inquiries For Information Promptly

During the loan process, your lender will ask you for specific items. This may be your signature on their loan documents, a loan application, tax returns, pay stubs and other related financial documentation. The loan process may be on hold until you respond to those requests for information. Keep in mind that the loan process and underwriter will need to review the items, and some items may trigger the need for more documentation. For example, if you have a large deposit on a bank statement, the lender may request more information about this.

You may be stressed and even fearful about the mere thought of applying for a mortgage, but rest assured that many people successfully navigate through the process with minimal stress or fanfare. Your mortgage broker or lender is committed to helping you get the loan you need, and you can easily reach out to a friendly, experienced lending professional today to begin learning more about the loan programs that may be right for you.

Buying a Second Home? Assessing Your Finances to Ensure You Can Afford a Second Mortgage

Buying a Second Home? Assessing Your Finances to Ensure You Can Afford a Second Mortgage The decision to buy a second home may be made for a number of reasons. For example, you may have a destination where you and your family love to spend free time in, and you may be ready to settle into your own space in this location. You may considering the tax benefits associated with a second home, and you may even have plans to live in the home as your primary residence after you retire.

While there may be numerous benefits associated with the purchase of your second home, you may be concerned about how affordable it will be for you to manage the additional expense of a second mortgage payment.

Consider All Of The New Expenses Related To The Purchase

A second mortgage payment may be a rather major expense to take on, but it is not the only expense related to buying the new property. In order to ensure that the mortgage payment is affordable, you need to ensure that all aspects of secondary home ownership are affordable for you.

For example, consider HOA dues, repairs and maintenance expenses, property taxes, insurance and cleaning or lawn care service since you will not be available to handle these chores on a regular basis. If you can comfortably take on all of these expenses, you may make your purchase with confidence.

Increase Your Emergency Savings Account Balance

While your current budget may easily accommodate the new mortgage payment and the related expenses, the unfortunate truth is that your income or expenses may not remain static in the future. You may suffer from unemployment or a serious illness that reduces your income. You may have extra expenses due to a car accident or severe damage to a home.

These are just a few of the many things that can happen, and it is important that you have an adequate cash reserve in your emergency savings account that allows you to pay for all of your expenses for at least several months. Because your expenses will increase substantially with your new mortgage payment, you may need to increase your emergency savings account balance.

While it can seem intimidating to take on a new mortgage payment and other related household expenses for a second home, you may be able to more comfortably take on this additional expense when you follow these tips. You may also speak with a mortgage professional to get a quote for your new mortgage payment and interest rate.